It is estimated that three trillion trees grow on the earth today. But there is room for another 1.2 trillion, according to researchers who believe that large-scale plantings would effectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Trees and their ability to bind carbon dioxide play an important role in the earth’s climate. But every fifteen seconds an area equivalent to ten football pitches is felled.
In the Gothenburg Botanical Gardens, Sweden, during The Perfect World Foundation’s Climate Conference 2018, Sir David Attenborough planted the symbolic first tree in the organization’s global tree planting project which in honor of Sir David Attenborough was named ‘Attenborough Forest’.
Planting trees is one of the most effective way to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere. CO2 is released into the atmosphere through, among other things, the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas. Fossil fuels are formed by the remains of dead plants that once absorbed CO2 from the atmosphere, which when burned are released back into the atmosphere. New ways of absorbing CO2 are being researched constantly, but planting trees and biomass are still the most effective and natural way to absorb the gas to date.
The global tree planting project “Attenborough Forest” focuses on planting trees to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere. But trees not only absorb CO2… tree planting also has other positive effects. Healthy forests improve air and water quality, provide wildlife habitats, stabilize soils, reduce desertification and create better conditions for biodiversity.
Uppskattningsvis växer tre biljoner träd på jorden idag. Men det finns plats för 1,2 biljoner till, enligt forskare som menar att storskaliga planteringar effektivt skulle minska koldioxidutsläppen.
– Det är ett underskattat vapen i kampen mot klimatförändringar, säger Thomas Crowther, forskare i ekologi. Read more >